Habenaria Culture Sheets

Habenarias are dry winter dormancy plants.

They lose all foliage and previous years growth - leaving just the new tubers produced that year.  If they look terrible after bloom - it's what they are supposed to do!

They are the easiest Orchids to care for in the winter.  Unpot and place tubers in a baggie. No water - no guessing what is going on below the surface.  

Once media is dry and top growth is dry and crispy - you will need to unpot and place any firm tubers in a small plastic bag to store until they begin to sprout- then pot up in slightly moist media. (Promix HP - high porosity)  Mist when surface dries out.  Evenly moist once rapid growth begins and leaves separate.

Print ready Pdf files available by email request!

These are a work in progress, feel free to contact me with feedback and questions.  More detailed instructions, tips and tricks are available on my Facebook Blog Page - https://www.facebook.com/askmeaboutmyplants

Habenaria unpotting video!
